Presentation title (Times New Roman 14, centeraligned, bold, spacing after 12 pt)

Nguyen Van A1*, Tran Van B2,… (Times New Roman 11, bold, rightaligned)

1Affiliation of author A (Times New Roman 11, italic, right-aligned)

2Affiliation of author B (Times New Roman 11, italic, right-aligned)

*Corresponding author’s mail:

Phone number: 0371001037

ABSTRACT: concisely present the content of the research’s report in a paragraph (about 200-300 words) to summarize the main contents of the report and clearly present the results, contributions, and new points of the article.

The abstract should include full of the following:

  • Background
  • Research objectives
  • Subjects and research methods
  • Results and main findings
  • Conclusion and recommendations

Keywords: 3-5 words

Presentation rules:

  • Language: English
  • Format: Using MS Word; Times New Roman font, regular, 12pt; margins: left 3 cm; right, top, bottom: 2 cm; paragraph: before 3pt, after: 3pt; line spacing: 1.2pt – Multiple.

Example of a abstract => Click here